A change is afoot

Recent health events have made me aware that I need to “grow up” in certain ways and start acting my age. My feet have started to hold my lifestyle hostage until their demands have been met.

You see, I’ve been buying my clothes at thrift stores for decades. I like the fact that my clothing money goes to charity. I like the fact that buying second hand helps with, or at least does not exacerbate, the fast fashion environmental debacle. I am also cheap. And I have kind of low standards. And I like the thrill of the hunt.

In my decades of thrifting for my personal effects, I have never been able to pass up certain items whether I need them or not. Or whether they’re my exact size or not. Or whether I have room for them or not.

There are certain brands that I value for the quality, the construction, and the durability. My personal style draws me to classic, slightly boring, all-occasion, and versatile brands. Like, way back in my early 80’s high school days, Izod and Polo clothes were high fashion unobtanium for me and my middle class peers. Nowadays, I find them to be well-made, comfortable, and compatible with my shabby chic personal aesthetic.

I rarely pass up an “heirloom” quality pair of shoes. There are just certain brands that are an automatic “buy” for me. Ecco, Clarks, Allen Edmonds, Johnson and Murphy, and definitely Cole Haan are my favorites. If they are in good shape I will accept, let’s say, a little “slop” in the fit. I mostly sit for a living. And most of my walking is more or less between one sittng location to another. So I can rationalize an incorrect fit, as long as it’s not painfully small or clown-shoe large large on my feet.

But alas, it can be so no longer. I must show greater deference to my feet as I age. (And my knees, but that’s another post.) So I am culling footwear this week, and that includes some very nice pairs of shoes.

I cannot bring myself to just drop a pair of classic Cole Haans into one of those parking lot clothing bins. I prefer to hand them on, heirloom style. So if you made it this far into my post and you are a size 11.5 or 12 or have a friend or loved one who is, I have a deal for you. As in “free to a good home” deal. Up for grabs:

An 11.5 D pair of black Cole Haan Penny Loafers

A 12 M pair of cordovan Cole Haan Oxfords

A 12 M pair of brown Cole Haan casual sport loafers

All in used but very good condition. Also up for grabs:

A size 12 pair of brown suede Rockport causal loafers

And a size 12 pair of Prince gum-soled racquetball shoes in lightly used but great condition. Yes, my racquetball days are over. My joints all took a vote and my podiatrist and orthopedist concurred.

These came straight from my closet, so they need a bit of cleaning as you can see.